Why Living Life By Design And On Your Terms Is So Important
Hey there gorgeous lady!
If you’re new to my world, you might be thinking, “What is The Goddess Lifestyle Plan®” and “What the heck is a “goddess lifestyle”?
Well, The Goddess Lifestyle Plan® is an online sacred space (website) I created where spiritually open women can learn how to design a custom goddess lifestyle and build a profitable online business!
To me, living a “goddess lifestyle” means living an empowered and authentic lifestyle that gratifies your unique combination of needs, wants and desires – living a life by design instead of default.
Most women think more about what they want to eat for dinner that night than identifying their heartfelt desires and what they want their life to look like!
In this video I speak to why living life by design and on your own terms is SO important. In my usual style I throw in some of my musings, belly flops and stories.
It’s Never Too Late To Begin Living A Life By Design
What I know for sure is that it’s never to late to begin living a life by design. I have reinvented my life many times over in the last 20 years and hand over heart, my life keeps getting more and more wonderful and juicy!
Below are a few steps to help you begin your journey to living YOUR Goddess Lifestyle.
Step #1: The first step is determining what your “Goddess Lifestyle Recipe” looks like. You can download my FREE workbook here.
Step #2: You need to surround yourself with support. Seek out a tribe of like-minded women to keep you inspired, growing and accountable. You can take a look at my monthly coaching program here.
Step #3: Say YES! Your desires come to you through opportunity. Your life is created decision by decision… if you find that you’re bumping against limiting beliefs, I’d love to connect with you and see if I can help. Schedule a complementary chat in my calendar here.
Those three simple steps will get you moving you and your life in an empowered and magical direction.
You’ve got this girlfriend and I’m here if you need me!
Lisa XO